Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There are Two Major Outright, Blatant – LIES that the Republican Need to Fix Now

Home of John Jay, first Chief Justice of the U...Image via Wikipedia

I’m just having a very, very hard time trusting most Republicans Politicians who’ve been in office for more than 10 or 12 years…

I’m still so mad at how badly they screwed up when they had such a great chance from 1994 thru 2006 to literally make this country the greatest and most prosperous it’s ever been in its entire 250 year history…

There are Two Major Outright, Blatant – LIES that the Republican Leaders at every level from Local to State to National, absolutely MUST take care of first. These are the Two Main ROOT Causes of almost every single one of this country’s major problems… And they are…

1. The Lie of the meaning of {the separation of Church & State}…
It was a letter from
Thomas Jefferson that he wrote to the Danbury Baptist’s. This has been totally turned around from its original meaning to completely corrupt what all of our Founding Fathers wanted for this country and how they intended God, the Bible and his Law to have great influence in our Nation and Who’s influence is at the head of how it’s run. Thomas Jefferson himself would be furious that they took something he did to help the Church and the Country and rape his reputation and his meaning of that letter as they have…

This is the very thing that has been used to get rid of God out of the public square and out of the school house. Since so much of our early history was so filled with God,

Christianity the Bible, our laws, morality and how we are to treat one another, all from the Bible. They had to take thousands upon thousands of pieces of our history out of all of our children’s text books. That is a travesty and we wonder why our children have a problem with good simple Law that works, equality, morality and so on…

This piece here drives me crazy and make me furious...

There were so many Fantastic and Great Black men and women in our history that did so many great things for this our nation, but they are left out of our children’s education, why??? Because they were Strong Moral Black Christians who worked hand in hand with so many strong White Christian men and women, working hard and even to death, fighting against slavery from before and since we became a One Nation Under God… It’s sick and disgusting and the Founders, especially Thomas Jefferson would be horrified and absolutely disgusted with every single Politian in the States and Washington and WE ALL should be also…

2. Is to stop the insane and absurd lie that the Republicans are the racists…
It Is Insane that the Republican Leaders have ever let this lie even see the “Dark Of Night” or “Light of Day” and absurd for it ever to have gotten off the ground in the 1st. place considering it was the Lincoln Republicans and the Christians from then ever since, fighting tooth and nail against the Democrats who viciously fought against the Black Family for over 230 years… The Republican Party came into being to fight for the Black Family and against slavery…

When it always was and still is the Democrats who are the real Racists and true enemy of the Black Family or any other ethnic group. I want them to get to the bottom of when, where and how this lie began and stuck. If we do not get the LIGHT of TRUTH shed onto these two and other evil pack of lies, we can’t go any further to heal and fix the wounds and the problems that need to be fixed…

Some Founding Father Quotes we never seem to hear anywhere...

Thomas Jefferson said ~ “History by apprizing them of the past will enable them to judge the future.”

Patrick Henry said ~ “I know no way of judging the future but by the past.”

Daniel Webster said ~ “History is God’s providence in human affairs.”

John Jay ~ The very 1st Chief Justice of our
Supreme Court and one of the writers of the Federalist Papers said ~ “The Bible is the best of ALL books, for it is the Word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts.”

John Adams Said ~ “Christian benevolence makes it our indispensable duty to lay ourselves out to serve our fellow creatures to the utmost of our power.”
John Quincy Adams Said ~ “The influence of the Bible on America”“The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. I have myself for many years made it a practice to read it once every year.”

But all we and our children have heard for years is the LIE that the Founders were just a bunch of Deist’s, who did not make our country a Christian Nation… These are just a tiny fraction of all the stuff our Founders wrote about God being a Focal Point and how they put his law as the rule for our nation…

Please do respond to this and do some research to add to this discussion. And let’s demand the Republican Leaders begin to address these things and bring them to the forefront…

Just in case you don’t have this great site Wallbuilders in your favorites here you go
, just click this paragraph… It’s one of my top 5 best sites for educational materials and a MUST HAVE for every American who loves this country…

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